Raziščite skrivnosti in čudeže narave
Pridružite se nam na nepozabnem potovanju v osrčje divjine, kjer lahko odkrijete lepoto gozdov in očarljive divje živali, ki jih naseljujejo. Doživite spokojnost narave, medtem ko vas vodijo strokovnjaki, ki delijo svojo strast in znanje.
Explore the mysteries and wonders of nature
Join us on an unforgettable journey into the heart of the wilderness, where you can discover the beauty of the forests and the fascinating wild animals that inhabit them. Experience the serenity of nature while being guided by experts who share their passion and knowledge.
Raziščite skrivnostne poti narave
Vodeni izleti po gozdu so zasnovani tako, da vas potopijo v spokojno lepoto narave. Doživite tišino gozda, medtem ko spoznavate floro in favno, ki ga divje živali imenujejo dom.
Explore Nature's Pathways
Guided forest tours are designed to immerse you in the serene beauty of nature. Experience the silence of the forest while
learning about the flora and fauna that wildlife calls home
Raziskujte čudeže in skrivnosti narave
Pridružite se nam na razburljivih izletih opazovanja divjih živali, kjer lahko opazujete živali v njihovih naravnih habitatih. Izkušeni vodniki bodo delili svoje znanje in vam pomagali ceniti raznolikost divjih živali v naših gozdovih.
Discover the Wonders of Wildlife
Join us for thrilling wildlife spotting excursions where you can observe animals in their natural habitats. Our experienced guides will share their knowledge and help you appreciate the diversity of wildlife in our forests.
©2025 - Divja narava Aleš Gorkič s.p. www.wondernature.si